Monday, December 23, 2013

Zohar - Circuit Hell

A little pre-travel enjoyment in two parts. 
1) Worked on my squat clean technique for about 20 minutes. Got up to 155 pounds. 
2) Did a circuit called "Merry F'ing Xmas"
3 Rounds:
1 minute each of:
*Max effort erg
*Power cleans (95 pound barbell)
*Front squats (95 pound barbell)

Feelin' good, lookin' good, ought to be in Hollywood. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job Zo! If any of you are feeling adventurous, this is a good CrossFit workout to modify to body weight exercises.

    3 rounds, 1 min max effort of erg (or jumpies if you don't have an erg), burpees, sit-ups, squats, push-ups
